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Retire in Another State- 5 Reasons Why

5 reasons why you should retire in a different state. Can't read this newsletter - click:
Your Weekly Report on the Best Places to Retire 

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 Topretirements eNewsletter
 June 15, 2011

In This Issue...

  • Retire in a Different State: 5 Reasons Why
  • Matthews, NC
  • "The Promise" That Might Haunt You
  • Palm Springs, CA

    Pictured above: Palm trees in beautiful Palm Springs, CA.
    Thanks to everyone for your most interesting and insightful comments to our recent articles. They're really adding a lot  (see Blog articles for details).
    The vast majority of people retire close to home. In this article we offer 5 reasons why that might not be the best idea.  
    Click on a state to see reviews of 711 great retirement towns, plus a list of 1,389 active adult communities. 
    This growing town just outside Charlotte has an ideal location - close enough to the city yet far enough away to offer a more relaxed lifestyle. There is plenty to do in Matthews, a town with many fans.
    Looking for your best retirement town? This handy reference from Topretirements gives you the practical facts, figures, and inside stories on the 100 most popular retirement towns. Available in print or Kindle.
    Picture this scenario: Your aging mother asks you if you will make her one promise. And that is that you will never put her in a nursing home.  Not so painful to agree then, but what happens if your beautiful mother experiences major health problems a few years later. Your choices then will be few... and difficult.  
    Your editor is a big fan of Palm Springs. There is something about this desert oasis - a place where you can look up from the golf course and see snowy mountains above.  A diverse and slightly funky downtown set up against the mountains. It's a special, and big place.  
    Follow us on Twitter. Don't miss our retirement tweets. They are either on new items at Topretirements, or about  interesting retirement posts from around the world. 
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